People treat us regarding how they see us. People treat us regarding how we make them feel or not. People treat us regarding how they treat themselves. The way of how people treat us is therefore directly related to their level of awareness. This explains what Jesus said to his father in the Bible when he was crucified: "father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing ». A few people see us as we are because they have the ability to make the difference between them and between us. More precisely, they are able to see people objectively as well as subjectively, an intellectual process which is learned and developed through technical skills, practice and evaluated experience. Some other people, more similar in ourselves see us more as we are because they recognize what they know. Independently of the existence of a blood tie with them, they may be our soulmates or souls who vibrate at an energy frequency close to our own. Often, they appear in our life as planned in the spiritual world and/or as manifested by our behaviors, to help us, in a certain way, continuing to achieve our superiors life goals. Then, depending on the alignment of our degrees of evolution and according to our destiny, the divine plan, they stand by us for life or they disappear after a more or less long period, or they reappear intermittently. Certain other people see only in us what they are able to see, to understand and to accept. Indeed, in the area of mindset changes, capacity building and spirituality, it is about knowing who we are and acting based on that. So, it is about to accept people like they are, stop justifying ourselves, do what we are supposed to do, to have faith, thats is to trust the way and will of God, the Universe. Yes, the Universe, God knows our heart. Yes, more than that, the Universe, God recognizes our light. Therefore, he expects that we operate again and again considering that, no more, no less. Karma and afterlife are real, and here it is important to remember that our lifestyles, the kind of behaviors we adopt towards ourselves and towards others have consequences for our present life, for our passing into the afterlife and for our next lives. A child suffers and is rewarded for the effects of its parents' actions. Effects that are felt according to the specific nature of the situations and people involved, and according to the child's rank, eldest, youngest. Impacts that are dependent on the types of words and actions used: objectively positive, objectively constructive and objectively more or less negative.
© Vanessa Kabore, Master of Law, in NLP and Hypnosis, article The Faith to Trust the Way and Will of God, the Universe, education and teaching in mindsets change, capacity building and spirituality, by author, narrator and editor of the French paperback book, audiobook and eBook La réponse est dans le comportement [The Answer Is in the Behavior]: les 48 clés du bien-être le plus élevé. (2022). Canada: LEYA.
