No matter how old we are, within each of us there is a hurt child. Yes, it is this hurt child who asks to be seen when we cry. Yes, it is the hurt child who wants to be heard when we get angry. Yes, it is the hurt child who seeks reassurance when we are afraid. Yes, it is the hurt child who wants to be loved when he loves. Just as we console our loved ones when they are in pain, why refuse to console the hurt child within when it shows itself? Yes, accept to console you hurt child. Yes, console yourself. Yes, as you would console the person who matters most to you. Yes, may we choose ourselves a little more each day and embrace that wholeness is reached within ourselves.
© Vanessa Kabore, Master of Law, in NLP and Hypnosis, article The Hurt Child in All of Us, education and teaching in mindsets change, capacity building and spirituality, by author, narrator and editor of the French paperback book, audiobook and eBook La réponse est dans le comportement [The Answer Is in the Behavior]: les 48 clés du bien-être le plus élevé. (2022). Canada: LEYA.
